Despite the period of rapid growth and progression that the specialty coffee industry has been enjoying around the world as of late, much about our industry and our product remains esoteric to the general public. To a person that has lived their entire life thinking that the pre-ground powder in a can at the grocery store brewed through a $20 auto-dripper is the extent of what coffee has to offer (and whose palate has likely adapted to now genuinely enjoy these products), paying five times the amount of money for a product that isn’t at all what they are used to and having every detail about the farm, variety, etc. recited to them at the register can be an intimidating experience. Not to mention, let’s face it, many baristas could do a lot better job being welcoming and understanding to people new to what specialty coffee is.
Five minutes browsing the Yelp or Instagram of your favorite cafe will reveal at least one thing that is quite successful and drawing in the attention and interest of consumers: latte art.
In the scheme of things, latte art is not where anyone’s primary focus should be when it comes to making coffee. Latte art should never come at the expense of quality, time or consistency. Remember: A pretty drink is not necessarily a tasty one. That being said, you wouldn’t go out for an incredible meal at a renowned restaurant and expect to receive the food sloppily dumped onto the plates. You would expect it to be plated with care to look as delicious as it tastes and that’s really what latte art is: plating your coffee in the cup. When carried out well, latte art will draw in the customer’s attention, reflect the quality of the beverage and enhance the consumer’s experience.
To be able to pour great latte art our raw ingredients have to have been prepared well. You must ensure that:
There are a few basic criteria to think about as you are pouring and when evaluating a drink you poured:
When pouring latte art it is important to carefully consider each movement that you are making as you pour. Why did you move that way? What was that movements effect on the milk? Don’t just start pouring and see what happens; know what is going to happen. By isolating the different ways you can move the milk to manipulate the design in the cup and developing muscle memory over time you can pour latte art with great precision.
Learning to pour latte art involves learning an entirely new set of muscle memories. This isn’t always easy and it definitely takes time. With latte art (as with most skills), it really is true that practice makes perfect. As a barista, you have the good fortune of being able to practice every day with nearly every drink you make to perfect your skills over time but at any rate it will take a lot of shifts and a lot of milk to perfect your pours so don’t become discouraged.
For those wanting to learn latte art that are not working baristas or for baristas trying to practice on their own outside of a shift, practicing latte art can be both expensive and wasteful. There is a trick, however, that can help you save a few bucks while practicing.
Amazingly, the soapy water will texture in a way that is very close to milk. This is a great way to practice the actual process of steaming milk and to an extent it can be used to pour some designs as well.
Once these designs are mastered they can be combined or changed to create a wide variety of visually stimulating drinks. Latte art is a great way to have fun and to interact with customers. It can also be a good way to build relationships within your local coffee community as many cities hold Thursday Night Throwdowns (monthly latte art competitions between baristas from local shops). Whatever your reason for wanting to learn latte art, keep practicing, keep making tasty, visually appealing drinks and keep having fun. If you are looking for a little advanced help, consider a latte art class at a barista school. A specialized barista school can propel your latte art further in one day than you were able to figure out on your own over months of trial and error.
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