Whether it’s a cappuccino, a latte, an espresso, or simply black coffee, coffee has become a way of life for most people. The ever-growing market appeal of the specialty coffee business has promoted this tangible shift in the coffee culture of America. With more people becoming interested in preparing a good cup of coffee in the comfort of their homes, coffee education is becoming a relatively mainstream experience to partake in.
So then, what is it about a coffee shop that gets someone out of his or her home and in the doors of their favorite local coffee shop? While this is a common (and very good question) many coffee entrepreneurs should consider when putting together their coffee shop business plan, it should go without saying that for the customer there’s usually an immediate unique feel to it. In other words, a costumer generally doesn’t require a coffee class to know what makes a coffee shop stand out from the rest. Maybe it is the aroma of fresh brewed coffee at the entrance of the door. Or, the perfect balance of flavors that one experiences from a cappuccino prepared by their favorite barista. Perhaps it’s simply the inviting atmosphere that a great coffee shop exudes. From a consumer’s perspective, the best spots are measured by some, if not most, of the following criteria.
In the end, everything from the coffee roasters, the buyers, the baristas, the menus, and the owners must be in harmonic congruence for the coffee shop to turn the occasional guest into a coffee shop regular. One quick glance and a consumer can tell if the coffee shop respects or even takes their coffee business seriously. For the coffee business entrepreneur this means building quality relationships with your supply chain and continually elevating your staff culture through ongoing barista training, coffee education, customer service training, and implementing a testing system for accountability. This is key if providing your guests with a unique and meaningful specialty coffee experience that keeps them coming back for more. All of this starts with your coffee shop business plan, which should include all the nuts-and-bolts of your coffee business operational planning, market and location analyses, product and customer targeting strategy, branding, store design ideas, marketing, suppliers, and of course your financial plan. The devil is in the details, but don’t forget that for the consumer it’s about a good cup of coffee with good people in a good atmosphere in which to enjoy it.
The Best Coffee Training Available
We’ve helped hundreds of students successfully launch their own coffee shop businesses. Join us in our 5-Star Rated Coffee Classes, whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur looking to open a coffee shop, a manager, a barista or home enthusiast looking to sharpen your skills.