How to Make Better Tasting Cold Brewed Coffee at Home

How to Make Better Tasting Cold Brewed Coffee at Home

If you are like most coffee enthusiasts, you want to know how to make better tasting cold brew coffee at home. Our preferred home iced coffee maker is called the Cold “Bruer.” It was actually invented by one of our former students!

In this post, we walk you through better tasting cold brew using the Cold Bruer.


The Cold Bruer is similar to a Japanese style Kyoto coffee dripper, but much more compact, ergonomic, and consistent. They both utilize a slow cold drip method known for producing a smooth and rich cup with exceptional complexity. However, the Cold Bruer tends to unmask more natural sweetness while emphasizing chocolate, caramel, spice, and sweet fruity flavors. It tends to also impart a deliciously thick and syrupy body.

Cold brewed coffee tastes great with or without ice!  In home situations cold brewed coffee tastes best the fresher it is. Degradation of flavor can begin after several days. Always store in an air tight container in the refrigerator.

To learn our tips for how to make better tasting cold brew coffee at home keep reading!

recipe for how to make better tasting cold brew coffee at home


  • Filtered cold water (preferably refrigerated)
  • A pitcher
  • A cold Bruer
  • A high-quality grinder
  • A digital kitchen scale
  • A white paper Aeropress filter
  • A 12oz bag of specialty coffee, rested 7-10 days from roast date

cold brew coffee recipe tips



57  grams (2 oz) coffee beans, rested 7 to 10 days from the roast date (we recommend medium to medium+ roast levels with Central and South American coffees for more chocolaty sweet flavor)


Medium Coarse – looks just a little finer than Kosher salt


Approx. 3.5 to 4 hours


24 oz of cold water (really cold refrigerated water) for drinking over ice
or 22 oz cold water for more of a concentrate for mixing in other drinks (i.e. iced lattes)


  1. Assemble the metal filter by making sure that the finer mesh is facing up toward the glass Tower when placed in the silicon filter ring.
  2. Snap the metal filter onto the bottom cylinder of the glass Tower.
  3. Measure out 2 oz of coffee beans, rested 7 to 10 days from the roast date and grind on a medium coarse setting. (near coarsest grind setting on Baratza Grinder, but not usually all the way coarse.)
  4. Pour your measured ground coffee into the tower and brush any loose grounds down into the chamber.
  5. Gently place the tower into the carafe.
  6. Move the Carafe on the counter front-to-back and side-to-side to level the coffee bed.
  7. Place a white paper Aeropress filter on the top of the leveled coffee bed.
  8. Gently push the plug down into the tower to seal the chamber.
  9. Place Cold Bruer on top of digital scale and hit “tare” to zero it out. Be sure it is set to “ounces.”
  10. Measure out 24 oz of COLD water into the top chamber of your Cold Bruer carafe (above the plug).
  11. Remove from the scale and twist the valve counterclockwise enough to allow about 1 oz of water to flow go down into the lower chamber to pre-wet the coffee. Use only enough water to evenly saturate coffee and the filter.
  12. Twist the valve clockwise to slowdown the drip rate of the water to the target drip rate of about one drop per second.
  13. Place Cold Bruer into the refrigerator and in approximately 3.5-4 hours you can enjoy your delicious cold-brewed iced coffee! Before serving make sure to swirl the cold brewed coffee in the carafe to incorporate the flavors.
  14. Serve your cold brewed coffee by itself (neat) or over ice. Or, place in a rocks glass with ice and your favorite sweeter (like Vanilla syrup) and use a spoon to top with cream to create a beautiful cream cascade!


  • Adjust parameters to compensate for individual bean characteristics. Don’t be afraid of darker roast coffee for this method. It tends to get very chocolaty and sweet!

pouring cold brewed iced coffee into a canteen


Texas Coffee School offers a variety of coffee and barista training classes that can enhance your coffee knowledge and brewing skills.


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