Entrepreneurs know that every business starts with an innovative idea. Whether you offer one-of-a-kind ice cream flavors, the neighborhood’s freshest produce, tourist apparel, or even nonprofit services, the community needs your presence! But you can also add a coffee program to attract even more customers. And the best part is, you’re not starting from scratch. With a business plan, retail location, and target audience already in place, you can launch a coffee business in just a few months to welcome a new revenue stream.
There’s plenty to consider in starting a successful coffee shop. Read on to learn about what types of business should try serving coffee, the benefits of adding the service, and four important factors to consider.
Certain types of businesses are more conducive to a coffee program than others. If you’re the owner of any of the following business types, the new source of revenue might be right for you:
Source: Mango Tree Coffee Facebook
Generally speaking, the benefits of having multiple revenue streams are myriad. Amazon sells e-commerce, streaming services, and a cloud platform. Even niche businesses like coworking spaces and bookstores are now offering apparel, subscriptions, and in our case, coffee. The perks of incorporating coffee services into your business include:
Before you go out and buy an espresso machine this afternoon, there are a few factors to consider for your success.
First, serving coffee needs to enhance your existing brand. Your coffee brand can’t be all things to all people–and it doesn’t have to be. Instead, consider your “why” behind starting the business. Does selling coffee align with your core values? Will your target audience resonate with the service?
Second, preparing coffee and espresso drinks requires trained staff. Your coffee shop only has one opportunity to make a great first impression with customers. And most of that responsibility will fall on your baristas, their customer interactions, and their ability to make great drinks consistently and efficiently. You’ll need barista training. Learn how to find the best barista courses and factor the education expenses into your budget.
Third, a coffee program needs to actually be profitable for your existing business! Consider the cost of buildout, equipment, ongoing inventory, and hiring and educating employees (see above). Be smart in setting your menu pricing, but also do the research to make sure your bottom line stays in the black and doesn’t negatively affect your original business.
Lastly, determine the business structure of your new coffee shop or program. Does it complement your existing business and operate under the same brand? Or does the program have its own name, business entity, website, and social media presence? There are several arrangements that can work, but do your homework on which structure is best for the business.
If you’re convinced that a new coffee program is just what your business needs, then let’s get brewing! Texas Coffee School can teach you the ins and outs of launching a coffee business in just three days. Join us for an upcoming 3-Day Coffee Business Master Class to get you on your feet so you can be up and running this year.
The Best Coffee Training Available
We’ve helped hundreds of students successfully launch their own coffee shop businesses. Join us in our 5-Star Rated Coffee Classes, whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur looking to open a coffee shop, a manager, a barista or home enthusiast looking to sharpen your skills.