Answers Regarding COVID-19 and Upcoming Classes

[UPDATED] January 28, 2023 

We want to make you aware of our current COVID-19 protocols. Our entire staff has been fully vaccinated, our State and County (Tarrant County) restrictions have been lifted entirely, and we have been without a single COVID-19 related incident since the pandemic began.

  • Students and employees are not required to wear masks or face coverings while inside the Texas Coffee School facility. For this reason we ask all incoming students and employees to monitor their personal health closely and use good judgment and consideration of others before attending class, or coming to work. Anyone experiencing ANY possible signs or symptoms of feeling unwell (as little as a cold, runny nose, allergies, scratchy or sore throat, congestion, or excessive sneezing) in the days or hours leading up to class, no matter how insignificant, must NOT enter the Texas Coffee School facility. (If you are unable to attend your class due to feeling unwell, please contact Texas Coffee School immediately so we can discuss next steps.)

    Possible signs or symptoms of COVID-19
    (according to Health Protocols originally posted by The State of Texas for all Individuals):

    – Cough
    – Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    – Chills
    – Repeated shaking with chills
    – Muscle pain
    – Headache
    – Sore throat
    – Loss of taste or smell
    – Diarrhea
    – Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
    – Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19

  • At Texas Coffee School, we have always taken seriously the cleanliness of our training facility. Now that we are back to a more “normal” state of operation we have opted to continue implementing the additional measures we adopted for cleaning and disinfecting our training facility, including but not limited to: 

    – Frequently cleaning and disinfecting any regularly touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, tables, chairs, restrooms, tools, and equipment.

    – Making hand sanitizer, soap and water, or similar disinfectant readily available to employees and students.

    – Adding additional air circulation and air filtration capabilities. 

  • We will also continue to not have pitchers of drinking water or water glasses out on tables. We request students bring their own reusable lidded water bottle or water cup like a Hydro Flask, Nalgene bottle, Yeti cup, or something similar for drinking water. We will provide a filtered water source students can fill up from.


Texas Coffee School does not represent or warrant that any individual that enters the Texas Coffee School premises is free from risk of contracting or spreading the virus that causes COVID-19, which is known to cause possible serious health complications, and possible death in those that contract it, or those they may spread it to. If you choose to enter the Texas Coffee School premises, you (i) agree that you are doing so completely at your own risk, (ii) you understand you may be putting others at risk of contracting the virus that causes COVID-19 after leaving the Texas Coffee School premises, (iii) you understand there may be unvaccinated people inside the premises with you and/or in your class, (iv) and you have read, understand, and agree to Texas Coffee School Terms & Conditions including but not limited to “SECTION 6: LIMITATION OF LIABILITY”.



Have a question not addressed here? Please contact us!

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