

How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan

If your goal is to open a successful coffee shop, writing a business plan is a smart place to start. The idea of a business plan is overwhelming and even scary for MOST people – But it doesn’t have to be. To put it simply, the point of a business plan is to get the idea for your business off of the cocktail napkin into a more organized and thought out format. It forces you to ask yourself some tough questions,

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Answers Regarding COVID-19 and Upcoming Classes

[UPDATED] January 28, 2023 

We want to make you aware of our current COVID-19 protocols. Our entire staff has been fully vaccinated, our State and County (Tarrant County) restrictions have been lifted entirely, and we have been without a single COVID-19 related incident since the pandemic began.

  • Students and employees are not required to wear masks or face coverings while inside the Texas Coffee School facility. For this reason we ask all incoming students and employees to monitor their personal health closely and use good judgment and consideration of others before attending class,
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The Pathways To Success Podcast (EP 163): Tom Vincent, Founder of Texas Coffee School

Texas Coffee School founder, Tom Vincent was recently a featured guest on the Pathways to Success Podcast with Julian Placino (Episode 163). He shares his tips for how to open a successful coffee shop business and answers questions like “How much does it cost to open a coffee shop?”, and much more. If you want to learn more about Texas Coffee School from an inside perspective. This is a great peek behind the curtain!

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Texas Coffee School Coffeepreneur® Spotlight: The Garden Foundation and Dig It! Coffee Co.

Students come to us from all over the world to learn how to open a coffee shop business. Most of the time, their passion is centered around coffee. Sometimes, however, coffee is simply the business model that allows them to pursue another passion entirely. 

That was the case for Taylor Gardner, founder and CEO of The Garden Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Las Vegas, Nevada, serving adults with disabilities. Taylor came to the Texas Coffee School Coffeepreneur® 3-Day Business Master Class to learn how to open a coffee shop business that would help her clients learn vocational skills.

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