

To Flavor or Not to Flavor? : A Barista School Guide to Better Flavored Lattes

When it comes to coffee, flavored syrups and other beverage additions it can be a divisive issue. Many coffee shops line their bars with several dozen flavor syrup offerings while other shops take a radically different approach, offering very few, to even no syrups at all. These are two wildly different points of view. One side of the conversation might argue “People have diverse likes and dislikes. We want people to be able customize and personalize their drinks to their own liking.” while the other side might argue “Farmers put an immense amount of effort into growing the highest quality coffee possible.

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Barista Training v.s. Quality Barista Training: Don’t Pay The Price By Not Paying The Price

We’ve all heard it before that “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” According to research carried out by the American Psychological Association, when it comes to meeting a new person, a significant portion of a first impression is created within 1/10 of a second of meeting someone (much of it subconscious). In regards to a business there is a lot more information to digest and more factors going into this impression but it’s still safe to say: First impressions happen quickly.

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Coffee Tips: How To Make Japanese Style Iced Coffee

As Summer rolls around each year, our thoughts turn to iced coffee as a perfect complement to backyard barbecues and just about any get-together. You may want to try the simple, yet effective Japanese Iced Coffee method, which involves brewing a concentration of specially coffee directly onto ice. Melting ice contributes to the total water volume without weakening the final brew.

If you want to learn more about coffee extraction and gain an in-depth understanding of every primary coffee brewing method,

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7 Mistakes to Avoid When Opening a Coffee Shop Business

There’s something romantic about coffee houses. The idea of a place within the community for people unwind, catch up with friends, hear music, grab a bite to eat and of course to get a delicious cup of coffee.

The allure of opening a coffee shop couldn’t be more attractive these days.  “How cool would it be to own our own coffee shop business?”  Many have their own romantic ideas of what a coffee shop experience in their own community needs to feel like.  

FILED UNDER: Coffee Business
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Should you serve house blend or single origin coffee in your coffee shop?

House blend or single origin coffee?

Which of these is better for the greater good of specialty coffee shops: house blend or single origin coffee? We’ll look at both in this article. We define them, identify pros and cons, and dig into which is better for specialty coffee shop owners and customers.

Coffee Blends

What are coffee blends?

When it comes to coffee terminology, few words are as synonymous with the hot beverage as the word “blend.” If you work in a specialty coffee shop,

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