Seasonality is a word that is ingrained in the vocabulary of specialty coffee. Coffee is a seasonal crop, just like strawberries and other fruits. Throughout the year, specialty coffee offerings will vary based on harvest schedules in different countries, and many coffees can only be found at specific times of the year. Seasonality is more than just a buzzword though, it signifies freshness, provides transparency and can be utilized to increase variety and add value to your products and your menu.
Despite the period of rapid growth and progression that the specialty coffee industry has been enjoying around the world as of late, much about our industry and our product remains esoteric to the general public. To a person that has lived their entire life thinking that the pre-ground powder in a can at the grocery store brewed through a $20 auto-dripper is the extent of what coffee has to offer (and whose palate has likely adapted to now genuinely enjoy these products),
There are four important questions that help a barista come to understand their role in the world of the coffee house. Who is your guest? Why do they come to your shop? What makes a good cup of coffee? Why is any of this important? Understanding these answers are central to being an impactful barista, not just a coffee shop employee.
Many of you are probably familiar with crowdfunding. You’ve likely seen some of the projects online that have gone viral, or maybe you’ve even backed a project yourself. If you haven’t yet heard about crowdfunding, that’s likely to change very soon.
Crowdfunding as an alternative to traditional forms of financing is exploding in growth. The crowdfunding platform alone has raised over 1 billion dollars and funded more than 66,000 successful projects to date.
Below you will learn the best practices essential to making great tasting pour-over drip coffee using a Chemex. If you want to learn more about coffee extraction and gain an in-depth understanding of every primary coffee brewing method, check out our Coffee Education Program for a complete list of upcoming coffee classes and barista training workshops.
Combining elegance and efficient design, the Chemex functions as one self-contained brewing,