

Are Too Many Menu Options Stifling Your Coffee Shop’s Success?

It’s opening day at the coffee shop you have put your heart and soul into. You wait anxiously for that first customer to come strolling into your meticulously designed café where you have spent months or even a year, scrutinizing over the menu and hand selecting the finest specialty coffees that would make any coffee connoisseur’s day.  You’ve invested in the very best coffee making equipment money can buy, and your staff have been through several days of professional barista training and coffee classes.  

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New Year’s Resolution – Get Your Beans Back

The New Year is a time many of us spend contemplating the lives we truly want, and comparing it to the lives we actually have. This most often leads to the dreaded “New Year’s Resolution,” where some make promises to be healthier, more successful, or more philanthropic, and others move into despair after realizing how far they have fallen away from the life they once imagined. Unfortunately for all of us, life is incredibly short,

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Is Inconsistency Killing Your Coffee Business From Within?

Since you are reading a coffee school blog right now it is probably safe to assume you have visited a certain large chain “green mermaid” coffee shop before. Perhaps even more than once…

Think about your last visit. How did your drink taste? Now think about how all your drinks have ever tasted at every location of this large chain coffee shop. Chances are, you got a pretty consistent experience nearly every visit,

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To Flavor or Not to Flavor? : A Barista School Guide to Better Flavored Lattes

When it comes to coffee, flavored syrups and other beverage additions it can be a divisive issue. Many coffee shops line their bars with several dozen flavor syrup offerings while other shops take a radically different approach, offering very few, to even no syrups at all. These are two wildly different points of view. One side of the conversation might argue “People have diverse likes and dislikes. We want people to be able customize and personalize their drinks to their own liking.” while the other side might argue “Farmers put an immense amount of effort into growing the highest quality coffee possible.

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Barista Training v.s. Quality Barista Training: Don’t Pay The Price By Not Paying The Price

We’ve all heard it before that “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” According to research carried out by the American Psychological Association, when it comes to meeting a new person, a significant portion of a first impression is created within 1/10 of a second of meeting someone (much of it subconscious). In regards to a business there is a lot more information to digest and more factors going into this impression but it’s still safe to say: First impressions happen quickly.

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