

Starting a Mobile Coffee Business with Lady Sunshine Coffee

At Texas Coffee School, our students open all kinds of coffee shops in all kinds of places. But some of them, like Elizabeth Estabrook, open coffee shops that can go all kinds of places. Lady Sunshine Coffee is a coffee truck that Elizabeth operates out of a sunny yellow VW Vanagon. Hers is one of many mobile coffee businesses our students have opened in recent years. In an interview with Elizabeth, she shared her story of starting a mobile coffee business.

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7 Things Students Say About Our Coffee Shop Business Class

If you’re going to invest in a coffee shop business class, it’s a good idea to see what former students have to say about their experience. Many barista training programs or coffee education programs claim their classes will help you open a coffee shop. Can they prove it? Here are a few things to think about as you research the best coffee business courses: 

  • Which classes are most worth the time, money,
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The Den: Bringing a Family-Friendly Coffee Shop to Denver

The Den social lounge & coffee shop in Denver, CO, is more than just a place to grab a cup of coffee. It’s a haven for parents seeking connection, support, and a sense of belonging. As The Den puts it, “The transition into parenthood can be tough.” That’s why Coffeepreneur® Chandler Lipe created a family-friendly social lounge and coffee shop for parents to connect—and kids to play.

The Story Behind This Family-Friendly Coffee Shop

Before becoming a mother,

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What’s trending at coffee shops in 2023?

Our world seems to be moving at hyper speed. Chatbots are writing articles (but not this one), cars are starting to drive themselves, and we’re drinking cold brew from cans. It wasn’t long ago that Third Wave Coffee hit the scene, and words like “artisan,” “craft,” and “pour over” made their way into the mainstream population’s vocabulary. Now, one global pandemic and a new generation of coffee drinkers later, where does that leave us? Coffee shop culture and trends continue to evolve.

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How to Open a Coffee Shop in a Small Town

Can You Open a Coffee Shop in a Small Town?

If you’re an entrepreneur living in a small town who wants to open a coffee shop, the answer is yes—you can successfully launch a coffee business! Take it from Coffeepreneur® Dorrie Pilot. As she shared with us, “I had a fear that people in small towns would not appreciate specialty coffee… and what I have been pleasantly surprised by is that my small town residents are hungry for good coffee.”

In fact,

FILED UNDER: Open a Coffee Shop
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