

The Den: Bringing a Family-Friendly Coffee Shop to Denver

The Den social lounge & coffee shop in Denver, CO, is more than just a place to grab a cup of coffee. It’s a haven for parents seeking connection, support, and a sense of belonging. As The Den puts it, “The transition into parenthood can be tough.” That’s why Coffeepreneur® Chandler Lipe created a family-friendly social lounge and coffee shop for parents to connect—and kids to play.

The Story Behind This Family-Friendly Coffee Shop

Before becoming a mother,

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De Ra Coffee: Serving Drinks That Feel Like Home

For Bassam Khalaf and his co-founders at De Ra Coffee, coffee is more than a morning beverage. It’s a way of life, a representation of culture. The cafe is serving up drinks with roots in Yemen, Kashmir, the Middle East, and the Arabian Gulf area that you can’t find anywhere else in DFW! We spoke with Bassam, Coffeepreneur®, about the unique business concept behind De Ra as well as the hybrid model they’re employing with Chef Sam’s Kitchen &

FILED UNDER: Success Stories
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Arwa Yemeni Coffee: Coffee Shop Success Story

Meet the Coffeepreneurs® Behind Arwa Yemeni Coffee

Texas Coffee School recently spoke to co-founder of one of DFW’s buzziest new coffeeshops, Yazan Soofi. Yazan is one of our former students in the 3-Day Coffee Business Master Class and the co-founder of Arwa Yemeni Coffee in Richardson, Texas. When he and his wife Susan Shihab, sister Nora Soofi, and her husband Faris Almatrahi opened Arwa in December 2022, they were quickly embraced by local Tik Tokers,

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Little Brick Coffee Opens a Coffee Shop in Small Town Maryland

When Coffeepreneurs® Dorrie and Jeff Pilot bought an eight-acre property in the country, they had big dreams of what they’d do with it. The vision began with two existing buildings the duo planned to turn into a brewery. But what about the tiny building—a former 1980s two-pump gas station—that stood by the entrance to the property? Could they try using the space to open a coffee shop in a small town?

Thus, Little Brick Coffee was born.

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Leaving a Legacy with Red Cow Coffee

Coffee Shop Success Story: Red Cow Coffee

At Texas Coffee School, we like to celebrate our former students who make their Coffeepreneur® dreams a reality. Today we’re highlighting Nequosha and Yvette Anderson, who opened Red Cow Coffee in Florence, Alabama after attending our 3-Day Coffee Business Master Class. Read on to learn about this entrepreneurial family, Red Cow Coffee, and their coffee shop success story.  

The Coffeepreneuers® Behind Red Cow Coffee: 

For the Andersons,

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